Warm Weather Approaching, Time to Hop on a Charter Bus

Warm Weather Approaching, Time to Hop on a Charter Bus

Posted on 2020-07-16

Okay it may not be warm just yet, but I’m getting too excited thinking about spring. The temperatures may still be in the 30s in New York, but you can feel that hint of spring in the air. It’s no longer frigid out. It’s a warm 38 degrees with the sun brightly shining. As the temperatures begin to rise, I can’t help but think of all the great activities I’m going to be planning this spring and summer. Beaches, walks in the park, and frolicking out in the sunshine are the only things on my mind right now.

But as you think of all the fun you’re going to have, you also need to think about hiring a  charter bus service to get you to all these fun places. Take a trip to the great beaches of Long Island and New Jersey. Hit up Atlantic City and take a stroll on the boardwalk. Pretty soon all the shops will be opened up and there will be so much to do. Plan a picnic in Central Park and enjoy a boat ride on the lake. Check out the Hamptons or visit the vineyards on the north fork.

There are so many great activities to start planning, so call up Monsey Tours to plan your  charter bus trip.